menu bar

Thursday, 28 August 2014

109 Run commands list guys it's very useful.......

100+ Best Run Commands List

This is a good article about run commands. You can be more familiar with your pc by using this commands.............

  1. Accessibility Options : access.cpl
  2. Add Hardware : hdwwiz.cpl
  3. Add / Remove Programs : appwiz.cpl
  4. Administrative Tools : control admintools
  5. Automatic Updates : wuaucpl.cpl
  6. Wizard file transfer Bluethooth : fsquirt
  7. Calculator : calc
  8. Certificate Manager : certmgr.msc
  9. Character : charmap
  10. Checking disk : chkdsk
  11. Manager of the album (clipboard) : clipbrd
  12. Command Prompt : cmd
  13. Service components (DCOM) : dcomcnfg
  14. Computer Management : compmgmt.msc
  15. DDE active sharing : ddeshare
  16. Device Manager : devmgmt.msc
  17. DirectX Control Panel (if installed) : directx.cpl
  18. DirectX Diagnostic Utility : dxdiag
  19. Disk Cleanup : cleanmgr
  20. System Information : dxdiag
  21. Disk Defragmenter : dfrg.msc
  22. Disk Management : diskmgmt.msc
  23. Partition manager : diskpart
  24. Display Properties : control desktop
  25. Properties of the display (2) : desk.cpl
  26. Properties display (tab "appearance") : control color
  27. Dr. Watson : drwtsn32
  28. Manager vĂ©rirficateur drivers : check
  29. Event Viewer : Eventvwr.msc
  30. Verification of signatures of files : sigverif
  31. Findfast (if present) : findfast.cpl
  32. Folder Options : control folders
  33. Fonts (fonts) : control fonts
  34. Fonts folder windows : fonts
  35. Free Cell : freecell
  36. Game Controllers : Joy.cpl
  37. Group Policy (XP Pro) : gpedit.msc
  38. Hearts (card game) : mshearts
  39. IExpress (file generator. Cab) : IExpress
  40. Indexing Service (if not disabled) : ciadv.msc
  41. Internet Properties : inetcpl.cpl
  42. IPConfig (display configuration) : ipconfig / all
  43. IPConfig (displays the contents of the DNS cache) : ipconfig / displaydns
  44. IPConfig (erases the contents of the DNS cache) : ipconfig / flushdns
  45. IPConfig (IP configuration cancels maps) : ipconfig / release
  46. IPConfig (renew IP configuration maps) : ipconfig / renew
  47. Java Control Panel (if present) : jpicpl32.cpl
  48. Java Control Panel (if present) : javaws
  49. Keyboard Properties : control keyboard
  50. Local Security Settings : secpol.msc
  51. Local Users and Groups : lusrmgr.msc
  52. Logout : logoff
  53. Microsoft Chat : winchat
  54. Minesweeper (game) : winmine
  55. Properties of the mouse : control mouse
  56. Properties of the mouse (2) : main.cpl
  57. Network Connections : control NetConnect
  58. Network Connections (2) : ncpa.cpl
  59. Network configuration wizard : netsetup.cpl
  60. Notepad : notepad
  61. NView Desktop Manager (if installed) : nvtuicpl.cpl
  62. Manager links : packager
  63. Data Source Administrator ODBC : odbccp32.cpl
  64. Screen Keyboard : OSK
  65. AC3 Filter (if installed) : ac3filter.cpl
  66. Password manager (if present) : Password.cpl
  67. Monitor performance : perfmon.msc
  68. Monitor performance (2) : perfmon
  69. Dialing Properties (phone) : telephon.cpl
  70. Power Options : powercfg.cpl
  71. Printers and Faxes : control printers
  72. Private Character Editor : eudcedit
  73. Quicktime (if installed) : QuickTime.cpl
  74. Regional and Language Options : intl.cpl
  75. Editor of the registry : regedit
  76. Remote desktop connection : mstsc
  77. Removable Storage : ntmsmgr.msc
  78. requests the operator to removable storage : ntmsoprq.msc
  79. RSoP (traduction. ..) (XP Pro) : rsop.msc
  80. Scanners and Cameras : sticpl.cpl
  81. Scheduled Tasks : control schedtasks
  82. Security Center : wscui.cpl
  83. Console management services : services.msc
  84. shared folders : fsmgmt.msc
  85. Turn off windows : shutdown
  86. Sounds and Audio Devices : mmsys.cpl
  87. Spider (card game) : spider
  88. Client Network Utility SQL server : cliconfg
  89. System Configuration Editor : sysedit
  90. System Configuration Utility : msconfig
  91. System File Checker (SFC =) (Scan Now) : sfc / scannow
  92. SFC (Scan next startup) : sfc / scanonce
  93. SFC (Scan each dĂ©marraget) : sfc / scanboot
  94. SFC (back to default settings) : sfc / revert
  95. SFC (purge cache files) : sfc / purgecache
  96. SFC (define size CAHC x) : sfc / cachesize = x
  97. System Properties : sysdm.cpl
  98. Task Manager : taskmgr
  99. Telnet client : telnet
  100. User Accounts : nusrmgr.cpl
  101. Utility Manager (Magnifier, etc) : utilman
  102. Windows firewall (XP SP2) : firewall.cpl
  103. Microsoft Magnifier : magnify
  104. Windows Management Infrastructure : wmimgmt.msc
  105. Protection of the accounts database : syskey
  106. Windows update : wupdmgr
  107. Introducing Windows XP (if not erased) : tourstart
  108. Wordpad : write
  109. Date and Time Properties : timedate.cpl

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Shutdown Option in Right Click of My Computer

Do the following Steps:
  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Select and copy the following text and paste it in notepad.

    reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\[Shutdown]\command" /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "shutdown -s -f -t 00" /f
  3. Click the File --> Save As.... from notepad menu.
  4. Now type the file name as abc.bat and select file type as All Files.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Now double click on the saved file. 
  7. Refresh the desktop. 
  8. Right click on my computer a new option will be added.

Disable Error Reporting

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Click on Performance and Maintenance.
  3. Click on System.
  4. Then click on the Advanced tab.
  5. Click on the error-reporting button on the bottom of the windows.
  6. Select Disable error reporting.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click OK.

Remove the Shortcut Arrows from Desktop Icons

Here's how you can remove those shortcut arrows from your desktop icons in Windows XP.
  1. Start regedit. ( Note: To Start Regedit Click Start --> Run and type regedit)
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/lnkfile
  3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
  4. You may need to restart Windows XP.

Lock a folder without any software

To lock a folder with out any software just follow the steps

1. Copy and paste the following code (in green color) in to Notepad.

2. Type your password in place of "Type your password here"

3. Save the file with *.bat extension instead of *.txt

4. Now double click to open the file.

5. When you open it, a new folder named Locker will be created in the same place.

6. Move all the folders and files you want to lock into this folder.

7. Now double click the batch file again and in the confirmation type 'y' to lock the folder, and the locker folder will disappear.

Whenever you want to unlock the folder, open the batch file and enter the password, the locker folder will reappear again.

/***********Start Copying here************/

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

/****************Stop Copying here*************/

How to Protect Folders With Passwords in xp....

 Windows XP

  1. 1
    Create a compressed folder. Right-click on your desktop or whatever location you’d like your folder to be. Select New, then click Compressed (zipped )Folder. This will make a new .zip file that you can add files to as if it were a folder.

  2. 2
    Move your files. Copy and paste or click and drag your files into the new .zip file. You can move as many files and folders over as you’d like.

  3. 3
    Add a password. Open the .zip file. Click File, then select Add a Password. Enter a password of your choosing, then enter again to confirm it. You will now need this password every time you access the .zip file.
    • Other users will still be able to see the contents of the file, but they will not be able to access them without the password.

  4. 4
    Delete the original. Once the .zip file is created, you will have two copies of your folder: the original and the .zip file. Delete or move your original so that it cannot be accessed.

Using the Windows Key.....

The Windows logo key, located in the bottom row of most computer keyboards is a little-used treasure. Don't ignore it. It is the shortcut anchor for the following commands: 

Windows: Display the Start menu
Windows + D: Minimize or restore all windows
Windows + E: Display Windows Explorer
Windows + F: Display Search for files
Windows + L: Lock the workstation
Windows + M: Minimize all windowsWindows + Q: Quick switching of users (Powertoys only)
Windows + Q: Hold Windows Key, then tap Q to scroll thru the different users on your pc 

Windows + R: Display Run dialog box
Windows + U: Open Utility Manager
Windows + Ctrl + F: Display Search for computer
Windows + F1: Display Help and Support Center
Windows + Pause/ Break: Display System Properties dialog box
Windows + Shift + M: Undo minimize all windows
Windows + Tab: Cycles through all open programs and taskbar buttons. Press [ENTER] to select. 

snapshot feature in windows xp....

you dont need to download any snapping tool or software windows xp also have this feauter like windows 7...

If you ever need to copy something that appears on your screen, such as an error message or a section of a document to be emailed to another party, Windows makes this an easy task. Here's how:

Once you have the item that you would like to copy on your screen, press the Print Screen (prt scr) key on your keyboard. This key is right next to your F12 key on a standard keyboard. You have now captured the image and it is ready to be pasted into a picture editor. In this tip we will use Paint to edit this image. Here's how:

  1. Go to Start>> All Programs>> Accessories>> Paint.
  2. Go to Edit>> Paste. This will paste your captured image into the picture palette area.
  3. Using the rectangular shaped (Select) tool from the left menu, you can select a rectangular area around the particular message that you would like to copy (see Figure #1).
  4. With the area selected, go to Edit>> Copy.
  5. Next, go to File>> New. Choose not to save the changes to the old palette. A new palette will now be created.
  6. Now, go to Edit>> Paste. The selected area of your first palette is now in the new palette (see Figure #2).
  7. Go to File>> Save as... Name the file whatever you would like and save it to a location that can be easily found later (such as your desktop).
  8. Create a new email message and save this new image as either a picture to be inserted into the body of your email or as an attachment to your email.

Disabling Startup Programs

Is the Notification area, on the left-hand side of your task bar cluttered with icons? Does it take ages to start up your PC? It might be caused by software programs you installed on your system. After the software is installed, a small icon is placed in the Notification area. The icon facilitates quick access to the software. If you do not use some of these icons, disable them and save precious physical memory. Decide which program icons you use regularly and whether you want to keep these in the Notification area. I recommend keeping virus scanners and printer/scanner icons.

Click on 'Start', 'Run', type 'msconfig' in the 'Open' field and click OK to open the System Configuration Utility window below. Click on the 'Startup' tab to get a list of all your system's startup programs. Tick the boxes of the programs you want to disable and click OK to continue. Reboot your system and check if everything is working fine. You can always re-enable the disabled startup programs by re-opening the System Configuration Utility and ticking the boxes of the disabled items. Reboot your system for the changes to take effect.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Remove The Windows Genuine Authentication Error

hey guys, Have you updated your copy of Windows and received the "This copy of Windows is not genuine" notification. Now Obviously You want to get rid of it.. 
First Take A Look what the Real problem is.
The Windows Genuine Authentication notification checks whether you have a genuine copy of Windows registered for the computer or Not. It permits you to update your computer with the Windows updates. If you have installed it, and you do not have a genuine copy of Windows XP installed (which is Obvious in your case :P), then you may notice an icon at the bottom of your window before you Login. It will make you wait three seconds before allowing you to login. And Keep Remain on your Desktop and Also can stop your Wallpapers on Desktop.

  • Restart your computer and boot into safe mode (press F8 while you restart your computer)
  • In Safe mode go to C:\Windows\System32\
  • Search for WgaTray.exe and Delete it.
  • Now go to C:\Windows\System32\dllcache\ and delete WgaTray.exe here also
Here The Windows Registry is Also Gets Affected by WGA..So We have to Fix it Too..
  • Click-> Start Button > Run and type regedit and then press enter.
  • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify and delete the WGALOGON folderThat's it you're done. Now reboot your PC and enjoy the windows but don't forget to disable your updates this time.

Manually remove the shortcut virus from USB

Hi guys. Sometimes its very irritating when you insert any USB and it shows many shortcuts of My Documents and all the important data and files become invisible. This is due to a shortcut virus. It is usually present in many computers of office, college or cyber cafes. Many of my friends are facing the problems with this virus. So here is a simple trick by which you can remove this virus from your pen drive.

  • Open command prompt. go to start > run > type cmd.
  • Insert your USB flash drive. Assuming it is drive I:
  • In the command prompt window type the following code and hit enter
attrib -h -r -s /s /d I:\*.*
          here replace I: with your drives name.
  • That's it. Now you can see the magic that all your invisible files are back now. 
You have successfully removed the shortcut virus from your pen drive.

Speed up your Internet upto 20% :

The Crap microsoft reserves around 20% of your bandwidth for their own purpose like windows updates etc....
Time to take it back. :P
go to > Start > Run > type gpedit.msc.
In the Pop up window go to > Local Computer Policy. > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > QOS Packet Scheduler > Limit Reservable Bandwidth. double Click on it. It'll say it not configured.. but the text 'Explain' tab reveal the truth.
Now you have To Enable it and set the Value to ZERO. Now the Windows will Store nothing and you will get your 20% back to your Work.

Change Logon Wallpaper:

Change Logon Wallpaper:
  Logon wallpaper is the wallpaper or image that windows xp shows on screen when windows logs on (before it asks for username & password) . By Default it is set to a Blue Screen. Using the Following trick you can set any Image there (any bmp file).
Click > Start > Run > type regedit.

In that hierarchical structure in left, navigate to registry entry
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop

There in the Right Side window you can see a Lot of Values. Scroll down and Fine the entry named Wallpaper. Double click on it and change the Value data > path of your bmp file (which you want to set as Wallpaper) eg: C:\WINDOWS\Lol.bmp (where Lol.bmp is your desired pic).
 Also Change the Value of WallpaperStyle to 2 so that your image can Stretch to the Full Screen.
If you have a jpeg file, then Convert its Extension to a '.bmp' file

Add Image to Folder Background in WinXP

In this tutorial , we will see how to add an image to the background of any folder.It looks like this:

1) Create New Folder; right click on Desktop, then New folder… or just open a folder in which you wish to add the background image
2) Copy this code in notepad

It looks like this:

3)Save the notepad file in folder for which you wish to add background image, as
shown below

4)After this select folder, right click on that folder, click properties
and select Customize tab, then click on
change icon, here choose any icon.After this the background image will appear...

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

kernel32.dll download

kernel32.dll File Info

File Description: Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
File Version: 5.1.2600.2180
File Size: 960.5 KB

What are .dll files?

DLL stands for dynamic link library. Everytime a program is opened on your computer, the program will loads certain processes into your system's RAM (random access memory). Some programs, in an effort to save RAM, group together like processes into one .dll file. Then, when the program needs to execute a particular process, it can dynamically link the process from this library or .dll into the system RAM.

Do you have kernel32.dll errors?
kernel32.dll errors are most commonly caused when two programs share the same .dll file. When a program is deleted sometimes it will delete the .dll file associated with both programs. Errors can also occur from a faulty kernel32.dll file or incorrect versions of the file.

Download and Install
1. First download the .dll file kernel32.dll.
2. Move kernel32.dll to the program directory missing the .dll file
3. If step 2 does not solve the kernel32.dll error. Install kernel32.dll in the system folder.

Windows Users
- C:\Windows\System (Windows 95/98/Me)
- C:\WINNT\System32 (Windows NT/2000)
- C:\Windows\System32 (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7) 

NTLDR is Missing..


NTLDR is Missing.

Related errors

Below are the full error messages that may be seen when the computer is booting.
NTLDR is Missing
Press any key to restart
Boot: Couldn't find NTLDR
Please insert another disk
NTLDR is missing
Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart


  1. Computer is booting from a non-bootable source.
  2. Computer hard drive is not properly setup in CMOS.
  3. Corrupt NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM file.
  4. Misconfiguration with the boot.ini file.
  5. Attempting to upgrade from a Windows 95, 98, or ME computer that is using FAT32.
  6. New hard drive being added.
  7. Corrupt boot sector or master boot record.
  8. Seriously corrupted version of Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
  9. Loose or Faulty IDE/EIDE hard drive cable.
  10. Failing to enable USB keyboard support in the BIOS.


Computer is booting from a non-bootable source
Many times this error is caused when the computer is attempting to boot from a non-bootable floppy disk or CD-ROM. First verify that no floppy diskette or CD is in the computer, unless you are attempting to boot from a diskette.
Note: This error has also been known to occur when a memory stick is in a card reader and the computer is attempting to boot from it. If you have any card reader or flash reader make sure that no memory stick is inside the computer. Additionally disconnect all USB drives, cameras, ipods, iphones, etc. from the computer.
If you are attempting to boot from a floppy diskette and are receiving this error message it is likely that the diskette does not have all the necessary files or is corrupt.
If you are attempting to install Windows XP or Windows 2000 and are receiving this error message as the computer is booting verify that your computer BIOS has the proper boot settings. For example, if you are attempting to run the install from the CD-ROM make sure the CD-ROM is the first boot device, and not the hard drive.
Second, when the computer is booting you should receive the below prompt.
Press any key to boot from the CD
Important: When you see this message press any key such as the Enter key immediately, otherwise it will try booting from the hard drive and likely get the NTLDR error again.
Note: If you are not receiving the above message and your BIOS boot options are set properly it's also possible that your CD-ROM drive may not be booting from the CD-ROM properly. Verify the jumpers are set properly on the CD-ROM drive.
  • Verifying the CD-ROM cables are correctly connected.
Computer hard drive is not properly setup in CMOS
Verify that your computer hard drive is properly setup in the CMOS setup. Improper settings can cause this error.
Corrupt NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM file
Windows 2000 users
Windows XP users
Windows 2000 users
If your computer is using Microsoft Windows 2000 and you are encountering the NTLDR error. Create the below boot.ini file on the floppy diskette drive.
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
Copy the NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM files from another computer using the same operating system. Both of these files are located in the root directory of the primary hard drive. For example, C:\NTLDR and C:\NTDETECT.COM should be the locations of these files on many computers.
  • How do I view hidden files in Windows?
Once these files have been copied to a floppy diskette reboot the computer and copy the NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM files to the root directory of the primary hard drive. Below is an example of what commonly should be performed from the A:\> drive.
copy ntldr c:
copy c:
After the above two files have been copied, remove the floppy diskette and reboot the computer.
Windows XP users
  1. Insert the Windows XP bootable CD into the computer.
  2. When prompted to press any key to boot from the CD, press any key.
  3. Once in the Windows XP setup menu press the "R" key to repair Windows.
  4. Log into your Windows installation by pressing the "1" key and pressing enter.
  5. You will then be prompted for your administrator password, enter that password.
  6. Copy the below two files to the root directory of the primary hard drive. In the below example we are copying these files from the CD-ROM drive letter, which in this case is "e." This letter may be different on your computer.

    copy e:\i386\ntldr c:\
    copy e:\i386\ c:\
  7. Once both of these files have been successfully copied, remove the CD from the computer and reboot.
Misconfiguration with the boot.ini file
Edit the boot.ini on the root directory of the hard drive and verify that it is pointing to the correct location of your Windows operating system and that the partitions are properly defined.
Attempting to upgrade from a Windows 95, 98, or ME computer that is using FAT32
If you are getting this error message while you are attempting to upgrade to Windows 2000 or Windows XP from Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows ME running FAT32 try the below recommendations.
  1. Boot the computer with a Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows ME bootable diskette.
  2. At the A:\> prompt type:

    sys c: <press enter>
  3. After pressing enter you should receive the "System Transferred" message. Once this has been completed remove the floppy diskette and reboot the computer.
New hard drive being added
If you are attempting to add a new hard drive to the computer make sure that drive is a blank drive. Adding a new hard drive to a computer that already has Windows installed on it may cause the NTLDR error to occur.
If you are unsure if the new drive is blank or not try booting from a bootable diskette and format the new hard drive.
Corrupt boot sector or master boot record
It's possible your computer's hard drive may have a corrupt boot sector or master boot record. These can be repaired through the Microsoft Windows Recovery console by running the fixboot and fixmbr commands.
Seriously corrupted version of Windows 2000 or Windows XP
If you have tried each of the above recommendations that apply to your situation and you continue to experience this issue it is possible you may have a seriously corrupted version of Microsoft Windows. Therefore we would recommend you reinstall Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
If you are encountering this issue during your setup you may wish to completely erase your computer hard drive and all of its existing data and then install Microsoft Windows.
Loose or Faulty IDE/EIDE hard drive cable
This issue has been known to be caused by a loose or fault IDE/EIDE cable. If the above recommendation does not resolve your issue and your computer hard drive is using an IDE or EIDE interface. Verify the computer hard drive cable is firmly connected by disconnected and reconnecting the cable.
If the issue continues it is also a possibility that the computer has a faulty cable, try replacing the hard drive cable with another cable or a new cable.